Παρόλο βέβαια που το ΔΝΤ τους δανείζει μόνο με 1,5-2% αυτοί θα εκδώσουν Ευρωομόλογο με περίπου 10% επιτόκιο... Ακόμα και οι σκοπιανοί είναι πιο αξιοπρεπείς από τον ΓΑΠ και ο Γκρουέφσκι δηλώνει ότι «προτιμάμε να δανειστούμε από την ελεύθερη αγορά και θέλουμε να χαράζουμε μόνοι μας την πολιτική μας και να μην εξαρτώμαστε από το ΔΝΤ»
«...the government persists in its intention to issue a new Eurobond, with interest close to 10 percent, instead of concluding an arrangement with the IMF and to obtain money with interest from 1.5 to 2 per cent. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski yesterday once again reiterated that Macedonia will now need to conclude an arrangement with the IMF, because the Government have decided to issue new Eurobond, which last year gave positive results. "There are many reasons why we decided on a Eurobond issue, instead of borrowing from the IMF. We make independent self-sustaining policies and bond issuance has another positive signal in the international community that the state is able to come out of international markets and Zajmi funds so we want to stay on that path, the group leaders who alone can lead their policies and not be dependent on the IMF, "Gruevski said.»
ΠΗΓΗ: http://www.utrinski.com.mk/?ItemID=20E77854C974604D9AE4D6BF28061D8C