Ο νέος Πρωθυπουργός πρέπει να χρησιμοποιεί στο εσωτερικό της χώρας, προσεγμένη ρητορική για να αποφύγει να τον αποκαλούν "Amerikanaki", και οι τελευταίες επαφές μαζί του ήταν πολύ θετικές....
New PM (and Foreign Minister) Papandreou has an American mother, has lived and studied in the U.S., and having been Foreign Minister under a previous PASOK administration, developed a good reputation in the international community as a thoughtful and constructive interlocutor. While he must use careful rhetoric domestically to avoid the "Amerikanaki" (little American) label by detractors, our recent engagements with him have been positive.