09 Αυγούστου 2013

ΦΩΤΟ: Γελανε οι αμερικανοι εθνικιστες με το χρωμα του "γυφτοτουρκου"... οπως λενε τον Κασιδιαρη

Απο "γυφτο τουρκο" μεχρι "Βραζιλιανικο μουλαρι" και "βορειοαφρικανο μπαρμερη" τον κοβουν τον Ηλια Κασιδιαρη οι συναγωνιστες του οι βορειοαμερικανοι.. Δειτε τι λενε σε εθνικιστικη σελιδα των ΗΠΑ, για το χρωμα του:

* Is he a white European?
* He has some African admixture
* He doesn't appear to have typical Greek or European features
* He looks like a typical lighter Brazilian mulatto
* He looks as though he has some negroid blood in him, I wouldn't count him as white
* He could possibly have a Gypsy or Turk in the woodpile
* He could pass for a northern African Berber and … an Egyptian Arab
* His looks are north African
* I wouldn't want somebody who looked like him marrying any of the women in my family
* He's not white, not a chance. If he's white then most of Lebanese, Syrians or other "Arabs" are white
* The guy has that funny Hugo Chavez look that people from South America have