03 Οκτωβρίου 2020

📺Γυναίκα πάστορας εγκατέλειψε την εκκλησία κι έγινε στριπτιζέζ -Πουλά σέξι φωτογραφίες της και βίντεο στο διαδίκτυο [εικόνες & βίντεο]

Μία πάστορας, η οποία εγκατέλειψε την εκκλησία για να γίνει στριπτιζέζ, έχει συγκεντρώσει χιλιάδες θαυμαστές που πληρώνουν για να δουν αισθησιακές φωτογραφίες και βίντεό της.

Ο λόγος για τη Νικόλ Μίτσελ, η οποία είναι μητέρα τριών παιδιών. Όπως είπε η ίδια, πάντα ήθελε να γίνει αισθησιακή χορεύτρια, αλλά μεγάλωσε σε μια αυστηρή χριστιανική οικογένεια, που έβαλε τέλος στα όνειρά της. Τώρα αποκάλυψε πως είναι αμφιφυλόφιλη και έχει χαράξει μια νέα καριέρα ως στριπτιζέζ, μοντέλο και ερωτική χορεύτρια.

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Ahh! The New York Post picked up my story!! And it’s true: I have never been more at home in my power, in my radiance, and in my divine essence. And I have never been happier. If I can sum up what I’ve learned these past 4 years in coming home to myself, it’s this: -> You can trust yourself. I know there are a lot of voices that have a lot of opinions on what you should and should not do, should and should not be, but you are the only one who knows who you came here to be. Trust yourself, listen to yourself, and BE yourself. The world will adjust. -> God goes with you. If you left the church like I did, you didn’t leave God behind. God went with you and will continue to go before you, stay beside you, and close all things behind you. God’s got you, boo. -> Life is beautiful on the other side. It’s scary to step into the unknown. We’ve been taught to fear ourselves, fear our desires, and fear the nudges of our hearts. But I’m telling you - your desires are leading you to a place that is so beautiful and expansive and free, you’ll be SO GLAD you took that leap of faith. Life really does get better. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported me, both on this journey and in the publishing of my story! I am so humbled, honored, and grateful. You truly make the world a beautiful place.☺️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ You can read the article in my bio! ❤️❤️❤️ (Huge thanks to @makka_rena and @nypost for sharing my story!)

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Η νεαρή γυναίκα, δημοσιεύει τακτικά ημίγυμνες φωτογραφίες της, στη σελίδα της στο Instagram, όπου έχει πάνω από 59.000 ακολούθους, ενώ διαχειρίζεται έναν επιτυχημένο λογαριασμό στο OnlyFans, όπου οι άνθρωποι πληρώνουν για να δουν ακατάλληλες φωτογραφίες και βίντεο της.

«Ξεκίνησα πραγματικά δειλά, με απλές τόπλες φωτογραφίες, αλλά τώρα είμαι στο σημείο όπου παίρνω προσωπικά αιτήματα και κάνω βίντεο πολύ προσαρμοσμένα στις συγκεκριμένες επιθυμίες των ανθρώπων», λέει η ίδια.

Η 36χρονη είπε ότι πάντα ήθελε να είναι στριπτιζέζ, αλλά μεγάλωσε σε μια αυστηρή οικογένεια Βαπτιστών, όπου «της έκαναν πλύση εγκεφάλου, για να πιστέψει ότι οι επιθυμίες και το σώμα της ήταν πράγματα αμαρτωλά και κακά».

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The more you are you, the more you are rewarded. . The more you are you, the more you attract what is meant for you. . So your job isn’t to dim your light or filter yourself or take up less space. . Your job is to shine bright, say what you really want to say, do what you really want to do, be who you actually came here to be... AND WATCH YOURSELF BE REWARDED. . We have this fear that the more we are our true selves, we are going to be punished. . So we start interpreting events as punishment, we start looking over our shoulder wondering what might come next, and we end up becoming an energetic match for punishment because we think that's what we deserve. . Do you feel the energy of that? . It feels contracted, fearful, scared, and nowhere near the glorious badass you actually are. . I want you to throw off the fear of punishment like a wet blanket that never belonged to you. . Throw that shit off. . Have no fear. . You are deeply loved, fully supported, and always rewarded. . Try that on for size. . What if being YOU is ALWAYS rewarded? . What if being YOU makes your life more magical? . What if being YOU gets you everything you want and MORE? . What if being YOU is the safest, happiest, and most fulfilling place to be? . Then you’d stop contracting and shrinking for others. . You’d stop being available for bullshit that doesn't belong in your life. . You’d stop being anything less than the glorious badass you are! . So today - unleash that shit. . BE YOU. . BE FULLY YOU. . And let the world adore, love, support, believe in you! . Let yourself be massively rewarded! . Let your influence grow! . Let prosperity overflow! . Let yourself be the happiest you’ve ever been! . Because you deserve it all! . And it NEVER requires you to shrink yourself in any way. . You are not wrong for being you. . You are exactly who you’re meant to be, and it’s time to let yourself be rewarded as a result. . Love you, here for you, and if I can support you in your rising, I’m one DM away! . 📸: @rebelselle

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Η Νικόλ παντρεύτηκε και έγινε πάστορας - μια κίνηση επαναστατική στα μάτια της οικογένειάς της όπως είπε - καθώς «η θέση της γυναίκας ήταν στην κουζίνα και να φροντίζει τα παιδιά της».

Αλλά όταν η Νικόλ, και ο πρώην σύζυγός της, έγιναν μέλη στην εκκλησία Ευαγγελιστών του Αγίου Παύλου στη Μινεσότα, είχε μια έμπνευση που την οδήγησε στο να αλλάξει τη ζωή της. Η εκκλησία έθεσε το ενδεχόμενο της ισότητας των φύλων μέσα στην πίστη.

Στη συνέχεια, το 2016, η Νικόλ άρχισε να αναρωτιέται για τη σεξουαλικότητά της, αφού πήγε σε θεατρική παράσταση με θέμα την LGBT κοινότητα και συνειδητοποίησε ότι ήταν αμφιφυλόφιλη και πανσέξουαλ. «Ήξερα αν το αποκάλυπτα, θα τα έχανα όλα, επειδή η εκκλησία δεν αποδέχεται αυτούς τους ανθρώπους», είπε.

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Remember how I wrote yesterday that I can *think* a thought and it manifests within days, sometimes even less? I have a recent example of this. Less than a month ago, I was really craving some girl time. (You don’t just lose a spouse in a divorce; you lose friends, too). Like, really craving it. I acknowledged the desire and let it be. Within days, a dear friend and her boyfriend booked a flight to come stay for a week. WHILE THEY WERE HERE, one of my best friends called me, informing me (not asking me) that she was going to fly in for the weekend to hang out with me (she’s here this weekend!) The exact same week, another friend and her daughter scheduled a trip to come stay with us for 12 fucking days! I, of course, bawled.🥰 Without even asking or trying to make it happen, the Universe gave me the desire of my heart 3x’s over. As much as it blessed and blew me away, it didn’t surprise me at all. This is the kind of life I’ve built for myself. Where I believe my desires ALWAYS get to be fulfilled and often times in ways more beautiful and breathtaking than I can imagine. Not because I worked hard for it. Not because I’ve hustled for it. Not because I’ve had to go without to get it. But because I am inherently worthy of all the desires of my heart. Because my desires were given by and get to be supplied by God herself. Because I live in a world where I ask and therefore I receive. That simple, that powerful, that true, that beautiful. Mastering the Art of Manifestation is all about you getting what you want - but it also goes deeper than that. - It’s about coming home to who you are. - It’s about knowing yourself better than you ever have. - It’s about deepening your confidence in yourself and in the Universe. - It’s about feeling worthy of the desires of your heart. - It’s about living from your power. - It’s about letting your life get better and better. And it’s powerful AF. This is where dreams come true, lives are healed, & miracles take place. Read through my sales page in my bio and see if it speaks to you. And if it does, come join us. We start in 5 days. XoXo.

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Χωρίς να θέλει να ζήσει μια διπλή ζωή, η Νικόλ άφησε την εκκλησία για πάντα και μίλησε για τη σεξουαλικότητά της σε ένα βίντεο που ανέβασε στο YouTube και στα προφίλ της στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.

Η Νικόλ, που τώρα μετεγκαταστάθηκε στο Λος Άντζελες και χώρισε τον άντρα της, λέει ότι είναι «πιο ευτυχισμένη από ποτέ».