Για να καταλάβετε πόσο μεγάλος ήταν ο τυφώνας yasi που χτύπησε την Αυστραλία δείτε πόση έκταση της Ευρώπης θα κάλυπτε:
Δείτε και μερικές φώτο από τις καταστροφές που προκάλεσε:
Some banana plantations have been completely destroyed by flooding, extreme winds or both
Photo: REUTERS/www.castaways.com.au/Handout " href="http://www.theage.com.au/photogallery/environment/weather/yasi-hits-north-queensland/20110202-1acrd.html" target="_blank">
Photo: Ian Hitchcock/Getty Images" href="http://www.theage.com.au/photogallery/environment/weather/yasi-hits-north-queensland/20110202-1acrd.html" target="_blank">
Fallen trees are scattered around the city, blocking off major roads and damaging houses
Strong winds buffet a section of the 'Strand' in Townsville
Hundreds of frightened residents flood into the evacuation centre in the old Town Hall as catatrophic cyclone Yasi approaches Innisfail